Monday, May 18, 2009

how do i look

Well my bean is finely traind the right way Her and Him have ben looking fur a sofa to fit me fur olmost 2 yers Puff it is a long time fur a wuffy Rere am Braking it in
Do u fink i fit well i love it But my bean her sey it to big fur living room
How can her fink about taking it back when i and my Furball J R MAN looks so good on here Littel bit a bout my bean her is on a lot of mets and hope her will feele better soon JAAAAAAAAA her geting old so now her neets new parts fur her body but her cant fine them So if u got sper Legs and nose do send them to PO Box 010000 usa fank you LILYPosted by Picasa


Margaret Cloud said...

Looks very comfy, hope you get to keep it. At least the hair will wipe right off.

Chesney Cats said...

You look soooo comfy!! Don't let your mom take it back, you've been waiting too long for that!

Hope your mom is feeling better soon....we're dealing with a sicky mama too.

Ozark Mountain Cats said...

I think your bean should send da sofa back. The next one may be even more compfy.
We're sorry dat you need new parts.
We'll be happy to send you some new parts. Heck, we'll send you da whole dog. Please let our bean know if you want the dumb one or the dumber one.

Da Ozark Mountain cats

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

I think that couch was made for you!!!

Suzuki said...

Hi Lily!
I'm just stopping by to let you know that Scooby & Lady have set a date fur their wedding. Stop by my blog to see how to RSVP if you would like to attend.
Big licks to you

caspersmom said...

Gosh Lilly, I think you and JR Man look really great on that couch, and really comfy too. Did your Mom end up taking it back?? I think it looks great in the room but I can't see the whole room, so can't tell if it's too big or not, but it sure fits you. Lilly we sure hope your Mom bean is feeling a whole lot better real soon.

Casper and Crew

Riley, Titan,Boo and Sandy said...

I left you a PAWSOME award on my blog, i hope you like it!!!!